Community Matters.
TATA is dedicated to increasing the accessibility of tennis in the Taylor area as a lifelong community sport.
Dream it.
Tennis Assistance Program - We believe that every student or adult who has a desire to learn this great game or improve their game should be able to do so. With this program, we provide assistance to those interested with equipment, lessons, shoes, etc. There are times when we all face difficulties in getting those items/assistance that we need to take our game to the next level. If you need assistance in any area, please reach out to us and we will contact you to discuss how we can help. All requests are kept strictly confidential.
Build it.
Scholarships - Every year, we award two high school seniors with college scholarships. The students must be able to demonstrate how tennis has impacted their lives, show community involvement, show school involvement, and demonstrate how tennis will continue to be integral to their life post-graduation. An essay is required along with the application. Scholarships are presented during their respective high school awards ceremonies.